Our History
From 1880 to Today, the Mills family continues it's storied traditions of sailmaking and canvas products.
Wm. J. Mills & Co. is Founded

William J. Mills arrives in the small seaport village of Greenport located 100 miles east of New York City on Long Island’s north fork. The village was thriving on the maritime industries of commercial fishing and shipbuilding. The promise of steady work enticed the young sailmaker to move east from his home on Hempstead Harbor where he worked in a family sail loft following his immigration from Scotland. He purchased the small Fordham Sail loft in 1880 and established Wm. J. Mills & Company. A hardworking man he went on to design and build sails for many of the working ships in Greenport’s commercial fleet.
The Company Diversifies

With the introduction of steam and gasoline powered engines, William J Mills recognized that the days of a commercial fleet powered by sails were short lived. While continuing to make sails for sailing yachts of the rich, the family business diversified by making canvas awnings for homes and businesses.
In 1921, William J. Mills also established the Cedar Island Oyster Company, one of a number of Oyster Companies located in Greenport.
Robert L. Mills
& The Oyster Business

After World War I, the war to end all wars, William J. Mills’ son, Robert L. Mills, returned home from active duty as the captain of a submarine chaser to join the family business. With the sailmaking business established and operated by his father, Robert chose to focus on Cedar Island Oyster Company and pursue riches in the fast-growing oyster industry in Greenport.
Leading a fleet of 3 oyster boats, Robert was well know as a tough but fair Captain. He demanded hard work for good day’s pay.
Robert's Return to the Sail Loft

In the late 40’s Cedar Island Oyster company was sold to General Foods. Robert (featured to the left in the picture) returned to the Mills sail loft upon the sale of Cedar Island Oyster Company.
Despite the marine engine, sails were not entirely obsolete. Sails still served small yet crucial roles on commercial and recreational vessels. Sails were used as stabilizers in inclement weather; sails also provided additional speed and were safety precautions in case of engine failure. In addition to their still stable sail business, Wm. J. Mills & Company became well known as the premier awning company for the elite of the Hamptons on Long Island’s south fork.
William J. Mills II
Joins the Family Business

At the end of World War II, Robert’s son William J. Mills II (Bill), returned home to become active in the business after serving as Navy pilot and graduating from Yale University. Bill Mills continued the tradition of sailmaking by outfitting many of the area’s premier sailing yachts with new sails while continuing to grow the awning division. It was then that Bill designed the first Mills canvas duffel bag to take on sailing regattas. The bag is still in working condition to this day.
Mills & Boston Whaler:
A Partnership is Born

With the continued rise in motorized boats, Bill Mills moved the company into custom marine canvas work. The high-quality of Bill's work led to the start of Wm. J. Mills & Company's partnership with The Boston Whaler Company and a friendship between Bill and Dick Fisher, the founder of Boston Whaler® boats.
Dick, famous as a perfectionist, needed a canvas company as dedicated to quality as he was. Bill Mills designed innovative canvas solutions never seen before on boats of that era. They included a complete enclosure on small boats that protected the occupants from the elements.
Wm. J. Mills & Co. was the sole supplier of canvas for Boston Whaler® for more than 40 years. The company's innovative canvas parts are still available today for Boston Whaler® boats built from 1958 to present models. Wm. J. Mills & Co continues to be the premier supplier of canvas accessories used on Boston Whaler® Boats.
"That's Outrageous!"

Dick Fisher was probably the first to name his models after specific places familiar to boaters. Sakonnet, Currituck, Katima, Montauk: These and other names light up the eyes of sailors and boaters everywhere--but especially in the Northeast. Wm. J. Mills & Co. got involved in model naming when Bill Mills, visiting Whaler's plant in 1971, took one look at Dick Fisher's new 21-footer. "That's outrageous!" he exclaimed. Ever since, this boat has been known as the "Outrage."
William J. Mills III & Robert L. Mills II

Around 1980, Bill’s two sons, William J. Mills III (Jamie) and Robert L. Mills II (Bob) both became heavily involved in the family business. Today, Jamie and Bob are President and Vice President, respectively. Jamie leads our Awning division, while Bob heads our production of custom canvas, bags and sails.
Recently, Jamie and Bob have expanded the Mills Canvas Bag Line that first became popular in the 1950’s. The Mills Canvas Bag Line has been featured in Vogue magazine, Lucky Magazine, GQ Style and several other high-end fashion outlets.
Robert L. Mills III
Joins the Family Business

As the latest generation of the Mills family to continue Wm. J. Mills & Company's storied traditions, Bob's son Robert L. Mills III has returned to Greenport after 5 years in New York City working as a Public Relations and Marketing professional to join the family business.