Canvas forBoston Whaler® Boats
Made-To-Order Canvas
We are proud to lead the industry in quality and fit for Boston Whaler® canvas.
Our vast database of over 5,000 unique patterns allows us to offer a wide variety of canvas products for every available Boston Whaler® boat model. Each of our canvas products for Boston Whaler® boats are built from scratch and wholly made-to-order upon customer request. We supply our canvas products through your Boston Whaler® dealer, local marina or directly to you.
Review our product database to find the proper canvas product for your Boston Whaler® boat. Please contact us directly for a free quote or to place an order.
The Mills Mooring Cover

Our canvas Mooring Covers for Boston Whaler® boats are world renowned for their perfect fit and longevity. We design our covers to the actual production model to ensure convenience, stability and durability for our customers.
We design our cover to the actual production model. Our covers are specific to the boat manufacture and model. When necessary our covers are designed with an integrated support system to ensure proper rain run off. All of our covers are designed with vinyl reinforcement patches on all identifiable chafe areas.
The OriginalWhaler Canvas Maker
The relationship between Wm. J. Mills & Co. and Boston Whaler® began as a personal friendship between William J. Mills II (Bill) and Dick Fisher, the original founder of The Boston Whaler Company. Dick, famous as a perfectionist, needed a canvas company as dedicated to quality as he was. On that basis, a partnership was born.
Until Boston Whaler was sold in 1997, Wm. J. Mills & Co. was the sole supplier of canvas accessories for all Whaler® models and we still supply those classic designs worldwide.
Over the years,we have designed specialized procedures and hardware for installing our Whaler® canvas parts, including struts, straps, hinges, and clips. Some of our fabricating equipment was developed specifically for building Whaler® canvas accessories.

Dick Fisher (left) & Bill Mills (right) ride the waves